Bad Breath (Halitosis)


In most cases, the cause of bad breath can be simple. However, if the issue is persistent, it can be a symptom of something more serious, and a problem sign of something to avoid long term.

Diet and the food you eat can often affect the smell of your breath.

Oral bacteria can cause an odor and also indicate you have plaque build-up.

Dry mouth often affects your breath as a lack of saliva affects plaque buildup and food particles from sticking to your teeth. 

Unclean dentures. Just like teeth, dentures needs to be cleaned regularly to keep them feeling and smelling fresh.

Some medical conditions, often affects your liver or kidneys, can affect your breath. Alerting your dentist of previous medical conditions or current medications is always helpful.

Treatment and Prevention

Daily brushing and flossing is certainly a great place to start, as that assists in removing food articles and bacteria. Don’t forget to brush your tongue! 

Drinking water regularly is a great way to flush out your mouth of debris and avoid dry mouth. Sugarless gum or candies help you mouth stay moist as well. Alcohol-free mouthwash throughout the day is effective on short notice, but is particularly helpful before bedtime. Please make sure your mouth rinse is alcohol-free as alcohol can worsen dry mouth conditions. 

If you are worried about your breath and regular oral hygiene efforts are having little effect, contact your dentist for advice.